The Weight of Silence - My Son with Selective Mutism


Today I reserved my time to edit n proof page my manuscript for 'The Weight of Silence', the book I wrote for my eldest son, Raziq. I decided to write this book because I realized our community unaware what is 'Selective Mutism'. Unfortunately, the community are lacked of empathy n compassion to people with selective mutism. They have less understanding of selective mutism. The community are confuse, selective mutism with autism. Both may appear to be similar but it's important to know that they are the same disorder. We can easily find books on Autism but it's never easy to find books on Selective Mutism. 

I started writing this book, when my son got bullied by his peers in school. Some even labelled him. They made fun of him because he acted "weird". They called him names n looked at him, judging him. This impacted badly on him, n it hurts me as a mother, I felt that I failed to protect him. With this book, I'm trying to raise awareness of the struggles we have had while facing this condition. I have 1 son with selective mutism n another with autism. We're trying to convey our struggles with it, in hope to help n inspire other people who're struggling with the same thing.

Throughout the years, we have faced a lot of prejudice n stigma about this condition as it's quite rare n not many people understand it, especially with regards to teenagers n adults. Most of the treatments out there are aimed at younger children, but as they get older they need a different approach in treatments, they think differently as they mature. Raziq have a long history of not being able to talk in public, along with a long history of anxiety surrounding it. Selective Mutism is not an easy condition to manage, n they experience an inordinate amount of anxiety when there is an expectation to speak.

I hope that my points of view, from our first-hand experiences, will give the community more insight into what's it's like to be him, n the importance of greater awareness, understanding, n recognition of teenagers n adults with selective mutism.

I also hope to reach out n help the selective mutism community find their strength n feel less alone. I hope by sharing my experience, I can help others like Raziq who is struggling in similar situations.

To my son, Raziq. We're walking this journey with you, together. You're not alone n we love you 😍


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