Aglio Oglio Beef Satay!

Every time we had extra spaghetti, rather than it goes to a waste I will whipped up my family's favourite meal, Aglio Oglio Beef Satay. Satay is a Southeast Asian dish of seasoned, skewered and grilled meal, usually served with peanut sauce (satay sauce). It's quick, easy, simple and delicious! Enjoy watching and try the recipe below.

Recipe : 

* 1 bulb garlic - minced

* 10 dried chillies - halves lengthwise

* 2 small heads of broccoli (or baby spinach) - cut into florets

* 100 gm shiitake mushrooms - sliced

* 50 ml of lime juice

* 1 packet of satay (beef or chicken depending on your preference) - pan fry until cooked

Recipe Instructions :

Heat the olive oil in a medium skillet over medium heat. Add in the garlic for 2 minutes. Stir occasionally, until golden brown. Add the water to the skillet, chicken stock, dried chillies and lime juice, stirring for another 2-3 minutes. Add the mushrooms, broccoli and stir for a little bit before adding the spaghetti and finally the satay. Stir for a little bit and ready to serve!



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