Early Detection Saves Lifes - It Might Save Your Life BUT It Might NOT

Today's thoughts...

Call us strong. Call us brave. But we're not survivors. I had no family history of Endometrial Cancer. I was just 38 when I was diagnosed. The cancer was only stage II at the time of diagnosis. I had full hysterectomy less than a month after I was diagnosed, and I followed that with aggressive oral chemotherapy drugs. We were told "technically cancer-free!" We celebrated, cried and we thought that was it! And we could put cancer behind us! This is what I and countless other women in stage II, III or even IV still don't understand. I know so many women who has been told the cancer was gone, only to be blindsided later with the grim reality that it has spread. Then came the death blow. It didn't matter that I discovered the cancer quickly or that I did everything I could to treat it. All too often when people think about cancer, they think about it as a problem, it's solved, and you lead a long and normal life. "Early Detection Saves Lives." Well, yeah..it might save your life. But it might not. 


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