Spinach / Fishball Soup

Hey kids,

Today's recipe mommy going to share is "sayur bayam n fishball". It's a simple dish, easy prep n I'm sure you guys can do this! You can have it with fried tahu, fried tempe or even fried chicken to pair it with the sayur bayam. Any way you guys prefer. But today we will have it with fried tahu n tempe.

Well, Papa couldn't get round spinach at the supermarket today, so we make do with 'sharp spinach' he bought this morning. In any case, if you need papa to run to the supermarket to get veggies, please google take a photo n send it to him. He always got all the veggies mixed up 😆 but I'm sure he will get them correct soon. So don't worry too much about that!

You can find the video below : 

Recipe : Spinach / Fishball Soup (Sup Bayam Fishball)

Ingredients :

  • 1 litre water
  • 5 cloves garlic - sliced
  • 3 cloves shallots - sliced
  • Dried anchovies
  • 1 cube, anchovies stock
  • 1 carrot - cut into 1 inch chunks
  • 1 packet fishballs (or fishballs with chicken fillings)
  • 1 packet round/sharp spinach

Instructions :

In a medium pot, heat up the oil over medium heat n fry garlic, shallots n dried anchovies till fragrant.

Add in water, anchovies stock, carrots n fishballs n let it boil then lower the heat n simmer for about 5 mins. 

Once the carrots n fishballs are cooked, add in the spinach. Boil it for another 5 mins. And, you're done cooking!

Serve it hot with brown rice or even glass noodles. You can garnish it with coriander n fried shallots too if you like.

Note : Do not overcooked the carrots, papa loves his carrots crunchy. Serve it with glass noodle, he only eat rice once a month. Oh yes, don't forget belacan! Yumzzzz....

See, kids! Simple steps n preparations. Anyone can cook this. Really, this is the simplest dish ever n I have confidence in you. Just follow the steps 😍

Happy cooking kids. Mommy love you 😘


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