
Chemo Port Removal

It's official! And I'm off with this little fella. I'm having mixed feelings about this whole thing but I'm putting my trust in Allah SWT. 4 years ago, I had a port implanted under the skin of my chest, as an entryway for chemotherapy, medications, and nourishments. Finally, I had it removed - a milestone for any one with cancer, but especially for one who beat the odds. As for my case, I had it removed because I decided to stop all cancer treatments. I'm aware that I'm putting my life at risk but the emotional rides all these years are tearing me apart. My cancer journey was optimistic but it was painful at the same time. The day when my oncologist, Prof Fong told me that the chemo and radiation wasn't responding, and radiotherapy was not an option, it really hit me real hard on the face. But I don't need to take too long to realized that even though this is the end of my treatment journey for my cancer, I still have Allah. He has planned everything for me. He knows what's best for me. I put all trust in HIM. And Allah is the only one who can cure me. In Sha Allah, aamiin. 


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