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Roti Jala (Lace Crepes) - Easy and Tasty

Hi everyone!

Roti Jala or Net Pancakes (some calls it - Lace Crepes). So roti jala or net pancake or lace crepes literally means that due to the look of the pancake. This roti jala is a famous Singapore/Malaysian snack and is often eaten for breakfast or lunch. It's commonly served with chicken curry.

Our family favorite way of eating this roti jala is with chicken curry (recipe posted previously). Made some chicken curry last night to go along with our roti jala today. Woke up early to make some today, for my husband who's coming home from night shift.

The batter is made out of simple ingredients. I hope you'd give this a try. It's simple, really!

Recipe : Roti Jala (Lace Crepes/Net Pancake)

Ingredient :  

  • 3 cups plain flour
  • 200 ml coconut milk (or fresh milk)
  • 400 ml water
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp colouring *yellow*

Note : (The Batter) Add all the ingredients into a bowl and whisk (or blend) until well combined. Pour the batter in a pancake bottle.

Heat up the flat pan. Swirl around the pan, creating a net look (see video). Cook until the pancake turns pale in color. Remove it onto a plate.

Fold both opposite side to the center, creating a triangle.

Repeat the same until the batter is finished. Serve hot with chicken curry.



Chicken Curry (Special Recipe)

There are many variations of "chicken curry" in Singapore. Chinese, Malay, Nyonya n Indian style. Curry chicken with potatoes is the most common chicken curry in Singapore. Everywhere you go where curries are served, you will find this type of chicken curry.

I often make chicken curry for my family n I love serving it with roti jala (lace crepes). Got this special recipe from mama but I improvised it a little. It's more like a family tradition recipe. But I'm more than happy to share it with you 😋

Just made some chicken curry tonight. Prepared it early so I can make some roti jala tomorrow morning for my husband's breakfast when he comes home from his night shift. Somehow, I made it top priority to cook for my kids n husband homecooked meals even if I'm sick or busy with my daily stuffs. The feeling of watching my kids n husband enjoying the meals I cooked for them, is indescribable. Family meals are very important to our family, we bond over food. N breakfast is nicely planned for tomorrow, n I can't wait for morning! So, it's chicken curry with roti jala.

Do take note of the recipe I'm going to share later, it's rich in taste, this rich aromatic curry is all that you want to satisfy your soul with good combination of roti jala!

Recipe : Curry Chicken 

Ingredients :

  • 2 lemongrass - bruised
  • 1 cinnamon stick, 2 star anise, 4 cloves & 4 cardamom pods
  • Whole chicken - cut 8 pieces (half fried)
  • 200 ml water
  • 2 tsp pink salt (you can go ahead with normal salt, it's fine)
  • 2 carrots - cut into 1 inch chunks
  • 3 potatoes - cut into large, even-shaped chunks
  • Curry leaves / Lime leaves
  • 5 tbsp curry powder (meat)
  • 400 ml coconut milk (or you can use fresh milk)
  • 1 cup evaporated milk
  • 100 gm toasted coconut paste (kelapa kerisik)
Paste :

  • 5 lime leaves
  • 12 cloves garlics
  • 3 bulb onions
  • 1.5 inch ginger
  • 6 red chillies
  • 20 dried chillies
Note : In a food processor, blend PASTE ingredients to a fine paste.

In a large pot, heat up the oil over medium heat n fry the cinnamon, star anise, cloves, cardamom pods n lemongrass till fragrant for about 1 min.

Add in the paste n fry till the mixture is a little dry.

Add in the curry powder, still for a little bit before adding in the toasted coconut paste. Stir often n make sure the paste does not burn.

Add in water n stir for awhile. Season it with salt before adding the coconut milk. Let it simmer for awhile n add the carrots, potatoes n chicken. Cover n let it boil at a lower heat for about 15 mins.

Once your chicken, carrots n potatoes are cooked add the curry n lime leaves.

Serve it hot, top your roti jala with this awesome chicken curry.

The secret ingredients to this recipe is the toasted coconut paste n the lime leaves grinded together with other paste ingredients.

This is my husband's favorite!


Bubur Lambuk (my asal hentam recipe )

'Bubur Lambuk' is creamy porridge rich in spices and cooked in coconut milk. It tastes richer than the normal chicken porridge due to the coconut milk and selection of spices added to it. It's a favorite of many Singaporean during the month of Ramadhan and this is my favorite. My helper used to prepare this every time I felt unwell. Spoilt with all her yummilicious cooking!

Decided to make some today, since my husband and kids are unwell today. This is my first time trying to cook this bubur, tried and tested, alhamdthe kids and husband said, "sedap".

Do watch the video below :

Recipe : Bubur Lambuk

Ingredients :

  • 1 cinnamon stick, 3 star anise, 3 cloves, 3 cardamom pods
  • 2 litres water
  • 2 cubesm chicken stock
  • 1 cup, mixed vegetables - washed and put aside
  • 100 gm minced beef - washed and put aside
  • 1 tsp white pepper (optional)
  • Fried shallots - for garnishing
  • 1.5 cup of rice - washed and drained
  • 200 ml coconut milk

Paste :

  • 3 cloves, shallots
  • 6 cloves, garlic
  • 1 inch ginger
Note : In a food processor, blend PASTE ingredients to a fine paste.

In a large stockpot, heat up 2 tbsp oil over medium heat and fry cinnamon, star anise, cloves and cardamom pods for 1-2 mins.

Add in the paste, chicken cube and fry for 5 mins and mixture is a little dry.

Add in the minced beef and stir occasionally until even.

Add the water, coconut milk and mixed vegetables. And stir until the broth and rice are evenly mixed.

Cover the pot and let it boil, add pepper, lower the heat and simmer for 30-45 mins. (I will transfer to pot to my multi cooker until the bubur is cooked).

Serve it hot. Garnish it with fried shallots or coriander (optional).

Go ahead and try it. Sedap!


The Weight of Silence - My Son with Selective Mutism


Today I reserved my time to edit n proof page my manuscript for 'The Weight of Silence', the book I wrote for my eldest son, Raziq. I decided to write this book because I realized our community unaware what is 'Selective Mutism'. Unfortunately, the community are lacked of empathy n compassion to people with selective mutism. They have less understanding of selective mutism. The community are confuse, selective mutism with autism. Both may appear to be similar but it's important to know that they are the same disorder. We can easily find books on Autism but it's never easy to find books on Selective Mutism. 

I started writing this book, when my son got bullied by his peers in school. Some even labelled him. They made fun of him because he acted "weird". They called him names n looked at him, judging him. This impacted badly on him, n it hurts me as a mother, I felt that I failed to protect him. With this book, I'm trying to raise awareness of the struggles we have had while facing this condition. I have 1 son with selective mutism n another with autism. We're trying to convey our struggles with it, in hope to help n inspire other people who're struggling with the same thing.

Throughout the years, we have faced a lot of prejudice n stigma about this condition as it's quite rare n not many people understand it, especially with regards to teenagers n adults. Most of the treatments out there are aimed at younger children, but as they get older they need a different approach in treatments, they think differently as they mature. Raziq have a long history of not being able to talk in public, along with a long history of anxiety surrounding it. Selective Mutism is not an easy condition to manage, n they experience an inordinate amount of anxiety when there is an expectation to speak.

I hope that my points of view, from our first-hand experiences, will give the community more insight into what's it's like to be him, n the importance of greater awareness, understanding, n recognition of teenagers n adults with selective mutism.

I also hope to reach out n help the selective mutism community find their strength n feel less alone. I hope by sharing my experience, I can help others like Raziq who is struggling in similar situations.

To my son, Raziq. We're walking this journey with you, together. You're not alone n we love you 😍


Chemo Port Removal

It's official! And I'm off with this little fella. I'm having mixed feelings about this whole thing but I'm putting my trust in Allah SWT. 4 years ago, I had a port implanted under the skin of my chest, as an entryway for chemotherapy, medications, and nourishments. Finally, I had it removed - a milestone for any one with cancer, but especially for one who beat the odds. As for my case, I had it removed because I decided to stop all cancer treatments. I'm aware that I'm putting my life at risk but the emotional rides all these years are tearing me apart. My cancer journey was optimistic but it was painful at the same time. The day when my oncologist, Prof Fong told me that the chemo and radiation wasn't responding, and radiotherapy was not an option, it really hit me real hard on the face. But I don't need to take too long to realized that even though this is the end of my treatment journey for my cancer, I still have Allah. He has planned everything for me. He knows what's best for me. I put all trust in HIM. And Allah is the only one who can cure me. In Sha Allah, aamiin. 


Spinach / Fishball Soup

Hey kids,

Today's recipe mommy going to share is "sayur bayam n fishball". It's a simple dish, easy prep n I'm sure you guys can do this! You can have it with fried tahu, fried tempe or even fried chicken to pair it with the sayur bayam. Any way you guys prefer. But today we will have it with fried tahu n tempe.

Well, Papa couldn't get round spinach at the supermarket today, so we make do with 'sharp spinach' he bought this morning. In any case, if you need papa to run to the supermarket to get veggies, please google take a photo n send it to him. He always got all the veggies mixed up 😆 but I'm sure he will get them correct soon. So don't worry too much about that!

You can find the video below : 

Recipe : Spinach / Fishball Soup (Sup Bayam Fishball)

Ingredients :

  • 1 litre water
  • 5 cloves garlic - sliced
  • 3 cloves shallots - sliced
  • Dried anchovies
  • 1 cube, anchovies stock
  • 1 carrot - cut into 1 inch chunks
  • 1 packet fishballs (or fishballs with chicken fillings)
  • 1 packet round/sharp spinach

Instructions :

In a medium pot, heat up the oil over medium heat n fry garlic, shallots n dried anchovies till fragrant.

Add in water, anchovies stock, carrots n fishballs n let it boil then lower the heat n simmer for about 5 mins. 

Once the carrots n fishballs are cooked, add in the spinach. Boil it for another 5 mins. And, you're done cooking!

Serve it hot with brown rice or even glass noodles. You can garnish it with coriander n fried shallots too if you like.

Note : Do not overcooked the carrots, papa loves his carrots crunchy. Serve it with glass noodle, he only eat rice once a month. Oh yes, don't forget belacan! Yumzzzz....

See, kids! Simple steps n preparations. Anyone can cook this. Really, this is the simplest dish ever n I have confidence in you. Just follow the steps 😍

Happy cooking kids. Mommy love you 😘